Shaping Europe Green: How to get access to top notch EU-Commission innovation & entrepreneurship communities to scale your ideas?
Paola Fantini, EIT Manufacturing
Frederik Hånell, EIT Urban Mobility
Pavlina Vujovic, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship
Prof. Klaus Sailer, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship
Be ready to grow together with the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and the Entrepreneurship Alliance. The EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities are the dynamic and creative European partnerships that harness European innovation and entrepreneurship to find solutions to major societal challenges in areas with high innovation potential – and create quality jobs and growth.
The session points out how you as a startup, industry partner, public administration, researcher or student can connect with EIT Urban Mobility and Manufacturing and our joint pan-european Start for Future program. It gives an overview about how the EU-Commission will foster our cities with it’s exciting New European Bauhaus and New Green Deal vision.